Sencha Haruka 30g
  • Sencha Haruka 30g
  • Sencha Haruka 30g
  • Sencha Haruka 30g

Sencha Haruka 30g


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Sencha "Haruka" is a variety called "Yabukita" harvested in Wazuka Town, Kyoto Prefecture, which is highly rated as the best Sencha in Japan. It is a variety beloved by the Japanese, accounting for 75% of the country's tea, and is able to bring out the aroma of the land to its fullest. . Please enjoy the refreshing taste.
Gradually raise the water temperature to 70℃ for 1 minute for the 1st infusion, 1 minute at 80℃ for the 2nd infusion, 1.5 minutes at 90℃ for the 3rd infusion, and 100℃ for the 4th infusion. Please enjoy. After brewing, you can enjoy the used tea leaves with ponzu sauce.

How to make a cup

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