
2024/05/22 00:00

Here is a matcha trip's recommended matcha recipes.
Today's theme is Matcha French toasts.

A video of making Matcha French toasts is available at the link.
Please take a look. → Matcha French toasts making video , decorating video

For Matcha French toasts, we reccomend matcha C which has a strong flavor and good for baked sweets.

There is a link to the matcha C detail page at the bottom of this page.

Check ingredients to make a French toast.

✔matchaC 2g

✔Milk 100mL

✔egg 1

✔slice of bread 1

[How to make]

① Beat 1 egg and combine with 100mL of milk.

② Add matchaC dissolved in water to ①

③ Thoroughly soak the dough from ② into the bread.

④ Bake the bread until browned.

[One more point]

✔Add honey when baking to make the surface crispy

✔ Looks luxurious when topped with ice cream or red bean paste

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