"Souten" Hand-picked Matcha 20g
  • "Souten" Hand-picked Matcha 20g
  • "Souten" Hand-picked Matcha 20g
  • "Souten" Hand-picked Matcha 20g

"Souten" Hand-picked Matcha 20g


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  • EMS

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``Soten'' is a blend of the Kyoto variety Samidori and Asahi, which were carefully cultivated over a year on the sandy soil along Kizu River in Kyoto Prefecture. In order to make tea with a strong umami taste , it is necessary to block sunlight with a black cover. At that time, instead of directly covering the tea leaves with black cover, by building shelves to cover the tea leaves indirectly, it is possible to reduce stress on the tea leaves and make high quality matcha.
n order to produce high-quality matcha, it is necessary to block sunlight for a long period of time with a high shading rate, but at the same time, this action give great stress on the tea plants.As a solution, it is important to provide sufficient nutrition from the previous year to create healthy branches that will serve as the foundation for next year's harvest. In order to bring out 100% of the tea's original power, we do not trim the branches into a semicircular shape in the fall, but let them grow naturally (natural style). The only way to harvest in this condition is to hand-pick.

How to make Ousu-cha

How to make Okoi-cha

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